Super Duper Important item #1
- I have been doing some genealogy work and I have a new theory about the national heritage of our ancestors. Are you ready? We are actually not Czechs, but Serbs! How do I know this you ask? Two reasons.
"Vrutci Lake near the village of Kacer"
1. While exploring the world on Google earth I actually came across a village in Southern Serbia about 13 miles from the Bosnian border called Kacer (spelled with the Slavic hot chick over the "C"). It is a most beautiful village in the country near a lake. This city was obviously named after one of our famous ancestors. I propose it as the destination of future family reunions, everyone check it out and let me know. The village is located at 43 48' 53.02" N, 19 44' 41.03" E. You can copy and paste those coordinates in Goolge Earth and you'll fly right there, it's beautiful!
2. "Kacer" is an actual word in the Serbian language meaning "Harrier Eagle". Much more noble than the green headed duck which we ate for dinner a couple of weeks ago.
characteristics Encyclopædia Britannica :
The harrier eagles, six species of Circaetus (subfamily Circaetinae, serpent eagles), of Europe, Asia, and Africa, are about 60 cm (24 inches) long and have short unfeathered legs. They nest in the tops of trees and hunt snakes. -Sound like us? I submit that it does.
Super Duper Important thing #B
· Thank you for the nice birthday posts. Mikaela, you are incredible, it was like you were reading my mind.
And Finally...
- I hope everybody reads and enjoys this blog posting. Putting it together was one of the most difficult things I've ever done in my life.